Partying the healthy way


I have always LOVED a good challenge and going against the norm. Like anything this has had its pros and cons. One of the pros has been my desire to find healthy versions to all the things I love when it comes to partying and there is no better time than November to share what I have found.

That’s right, you can still eat everything you want without the nasties and, I have found, even without worrying about your waistline (my next blog will talk more about why eating good fats doesn’t make you fat and until then you can test it out for yourself)

Some healthy options are a quick, easy change and others can take more time to get used to but once you do, you will not turn back and truly miss nothing.

I will say before I offer my healthy versions that the most important part to all this is that you are kind to you.  Whatever you do/eat during this party season, the most important part is that you fill yourself with love and acceptance. It’s way better to eat a big unhealthy chocolate cake and feel good about it than eating an apple while hating on yourself! 

Below are my healthy options. I also believe that many of these swaps are made with more love than the unhealthy options, which adds an energy to the product that is passed on to our body.

  • Chips, Biscuits and Crackers - Avoiding vegetable oils is a huge must on my list and in fact I think it is more important than gluten. Industrial seed and vegetable oils are inflammatory to the body due to the processing they go through. The best oils are coconut oil, avocado oil and olive oil. Boulder Canyon’s avocado and coconut oil chips are amazing and you won’t tell the difference between these and the unhealthy version. Dona Cholita’s corn chips are the best, GMO free and no preservatives. There are a variety of crackers to include on any platter.  We stock Health Discovery and Bayliss but just look at the labels to avoid these oils and preservatives. 

  • Cheeses and Dips - The only cheeses my family and I consume now are raw Gruyere and Parmigiano-Reggiano as they have no nasties and are actually good for you. At first you can’t even tell the difference but after a while if you go back to the old versions you will certainly feel a difference as well as taste it. Yes, they cost more but this is your health and you are saving money down the track by spending on your health up front instead of when you get sick. The cashew cheeses available now are AMAZING and contain healthy fats, antioxidants, calcium and magnesium. We stock Dill, Medicinal Mushroom and French Onion.

  • Sauerkraut - A great addition to any platter, or meal for that matter. Full of probiotics and vitamin K2. Great for gut health, immune system and digestion. A great way to add some nutrient dense health benefits to your party.

  • Wild Salmon - I love smoked salmon whether added to a platter or in a pasta. There is also The Canadian Way salmon roe and raw fillets.

  • Tuna, mussels and sardines in olive oil with nothing else added.

  • Chemical free salami and ham - I am beyond grateful to Frank and his family for their farm, Taluca Park, which provides chemical free salami and ham from happy animals.

  • McClures Pickles - more fermented options without any nasites.

  • When adding fruit or veggies to platters, make sure you choose organic varieties to avoid the nasties and get extra nutrition.

  • Activated Nuts are a great addition to fill you up. Activation takes away the enzyme inhibitors and phytic acid so the nutrients are more easily absorbed.

  • Nut spreads including Food to Nourish Hazelnut Spread which is a great Nutella substitute. 

  • Raw treats are plentiful these days as well as recipes for you to make your own. Refined sugar free makes such a difference and means you don’t need to miss out on the yummy treats.

  • Finally, my drink substitute is Ningxia, a drink from Young Living that is extremely high in antioxidants and removes free radicals from our blood. To find out more about this amazing drink reach out to me or come into the cafe and get your Ningxia shot or cocktail to give it a go. I put my Ningxia cocktails in a wine glass and feel as special as I ever did with a red wine. Of course there are many amazing flavours of kombucha and some like to fill their glass with beet kvass (all available in the cafe).

I look forward to hearing about your favourite party swap and will be doing a recipe giveaway on Instagram so if you don’t already follow us start now!

We wish you the most amazing party season full of laughter, love and healthy eating and drinking.


Owner at All Good Things Cafe

02 4229 9439

Join us on Instagram or Facebook and tag #allgoodthings in photos and share the love.

Cindy Russell